Godzilla Movie

Is zilla jr op?

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17849 Views31 Replies

A simple monster

MemberBaragonOct-08-2019 3:53 PM

Ive noticed that others(myself included) have started using zilla jr a lot more in stories or battles

Is zilla just a perfect default monster or is he just op?

"That moment you realize your signature is a big meme"


31 Replies


MemberRodanOct-08-2019 3:56 PM

Naw. We all love Zilla junior!

Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

A simple monster

MemberBaragonOct-08-2019 3:57 PM

oh :)


"That moment you realize your signature is a big meme"



MemberRodanOct-08-2019 3:59 PM

Hint Hint. Zilla Junior is in Godzilla extinction ;)

Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.


MemberRodanOct-08-2019 4:10 PM

No, he just had an awesome show and hasn't gotten much love until now. So, now we're going a bit overboard lol. Though Zilla V.S. Rodan technically doesn't have Zilla Jr, it's actually Zilla (as the title suggests).

If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.

A simple monster

MemberBaragonOct-08-2019 4:14 PM

hmm interesting


"That moment you realize your signature is a big meme"



MemberRodanOct-08-2019 5:20 PM


If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.


MemberRodanOct-08-2019 5:38 PM


Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.


MemberGiganOct-08-2019 7:40 PM

Blue (Gojiverse's Zilla jr.) is all grown up now



MemberAnguirusOct-09-2019 5:09 AM

I like both Zilla and Zilla Jr.

i've officially left. thanks for the memories!


MemberTitanosaurusOct-09-2019 9:15 AM

He's not OP. He was just underrated until recently and he's been getting a lot of attention ever since. Especially since he has a moderate fan base that actually likes him.

Im Durp

MemberBaragonOct-09-2019 10:05 AM

I haven't looked at any of the mentioned VS discussions but in terms of being OP I would think being OP would make his use less often since there would be less interesting or compelling discussion around fights if he's a heavy acknowledged favorite.


MemberTitanosaurusOct-09-2019 10:35 AM

Legendary Godzilla (Titanus Gojira): Am I a joke to you?

Kamoebas V.6

MemberTitanosaurusOct-09-2019 10:39 AM

All Monsters Attack Godzilla:I am a joke!


MemberRodanOct-09-2019 10:41 AM

Burning Godzilla: Am I a joke to you?

If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.


MemberRodanOct-09-2019 10:42 AM


Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

Kamoebas V.6

MemberTitanosaurusOct-09-2019 10:45 AM

Burning Godzilla sucks!

I just hate it...


MemberRodanOct-09-2019 10:46 AM

... Nani?

If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.

Kamoebas V.6

MemberTitanosaurusOct-09-2019 10:48 AM

I've got enough of that stupid Goji,you all like it...




I accept your opinion,but,my opinion is different.


MemberRodanOct-09-2019 10:49 AM

But... why?

Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

Kamoebas V.6

MemberTitanosaurusOct-09-2019 10:51 AM

Burning Godzilla fanboys...

I just hate the idea,the movie was pretty good,for me,the Heisei Godzilla has too much power-ups!


MemberRodanOct-09-2019 10:52 AM

Eh, good point. But why do you hate shin?

Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

Kamoebas V.6

MemberTitanosaurusOct-09-2019 10:54 AM

The same thing with Burning Goji and the unlimited attention,i only like its Kamata-Kun stage,the one which has gills.


MemberTitanosaurusOct-09-2019 10:54 AM

Wait, so you meant 1995 Burning Godzilla, not 2019? Also, I can understand hating Shin because it is basically wasted potential.


MemberRodanOct-09-2019 11:19 AM

Wait, why is Shin wasted potential? Did they confirm not making another movie? But still, don't hate the Godzilla, hate the company, if you're hating him because of wasted potential. Also, Shin's third form has gills too...

If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.


MemberRodanOct-09-2019 11:28 AM

Shinagawa kun, the wackest form.

Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.


MemberRodanOct-09-2019 11:49 AM

When the helicopters were thinking of shooting him, he looked like a big ol' adorable pokemon lol

If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.


MemberRodanOct-09-2019 11:56 AM


Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

Kamoebas V.6

MemberTitanosaurusOct-09-2019 12:00 PM



MemberRodanOct-09-2019 12:04 PM

Moment ;)

Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

A simple monster

MemberBaragonOct-09-2019 1:56 PM



"That moment you realize your signature is a big meme"


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