Godzilla Movie

Do the Senate meeting and the DC sequence connect?

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MemberMothra LarvaeMay-05-2019 4:52 AM

We know at one point during the film, A senate meeting takes place discussing which Kaiju are good and which are bad, and how we could coexist with them. We also know at one point Ghidorah and Rodan lay complete waste to Washington, DC. My question is this. What if the senate meeting takes place right before that attack? It could make for a pretty exciting scene of seeing some of the main characters trying to escape the ongoing destruction alive and still in one piece. 

10 Replies


MemberBaragonMay-05-2019 7:05 PM

Could be. That would be an interesting scene transition, to put it mildy. Although it's also possible that this takes place earlier in the film before the monster action gets going. Maybe more as a foreshadowing of what is to come later in the film. We'll find out soon enough.


MemberRodanMay-06-2019 7:17 AM


Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.


MemberBaragonMay-06-2019 6:29 PM

Gmkgoji: Why no? 


MemberRodanMay-06-2019 7:45 PM

I haves the spoilers

Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.


MemberBaragonMay-06-2019 7:57 PM

Gmkgoji: Wouldn't that ruined your movie watching experience?


MemberRodanMay-06-2019 7:57 PM


It did. 

Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.


MemberBaragonMay-06-2019 9:01 PM

Gmkgoji: A shame.


AdminSpaceGodzillaMay-07-2019 6:38 AM

Gmk does not have the spoilers. @Gmkgoji, Please refrain from disputing other members questions without concrete evidence and knowledge of the matter. It derails the topic and cuts the discussion short if they assume you have insider knowledge - of which you do not. So please, instead answer "I don't think so" instead of a definite "no" followed by telling anyone you have access to spoilers. Thank you

Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


MemberRodanMay-07-2019 7:08 AM


Sorry, I don't have insider knowledge, you are correct. Guess I should not post replies to topics like these

Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.


MemberMothra LarvaeMay-31-2019 11:18 PM

I think it would be hardly, as Dr. Serizawa and other members of Monarch were already on several locations and incidents. Unless Monarch travelling to Antarctica and Mexico and all the events in between took only a few minutes. 

I'm guessing there would already be several hours worth of difference in between Ghidorah's attack and the Senate meeting. 

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