Shin Godzilla soundtrack list revealed

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaJul-24-2016 1:25 PMShiro Sagisu's track list for the Shin Godzilla score has been revealed, and although the Google translation seems a bit clunky, there's something very clear in the translation I find intriguing.
The track list includes titles of prior Godzilla movies. My only guess is that Sagisu is bringing back themes from these films (all of which were scored by Ifukube) and creating his own renditions--Which would be really cool.
Always cautious, I don't want to get my hopes up too high that we'll be hearing new versions of Ifukube's material, via Sagisu, but I have no other theory as to why the titles would show up. Godzilla, King Kong vs. Godzilla, Ghidorah: The Three Headed Monster, Monster Zero, Terror of MechaGodzilla, Godzilla vs. MechaGodzilla and even Battle in Outer Space are all referenced in the list below:

Something Real
MemberGodzillaJul-24-2016 1:42 PMGMAN2887 - Now this is exceedingly interesting! It seems that the composer is utilizing music from older films as a basis for the new compositions! How fantastic! Thank you so very much for sharing this with us! :)

MemberMothra LarvaeAug-08-2016 4:01 PMDid you know who will know is in Godzillas thoughts?