Godzilla Movie

M.U.T.O Viral Marketing Site Discoveries, Videos & Images

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AdminSpaceGodzillaDec-08-2013 9:12 PM

This topic will contain any and all dicoveries made by Godzilla fans on the new viral MUTO website for Godzilla's viral marketing campaign! Below I will sort the discoveries in order of videos, images and info.

Post your discoveries below!

From: MUTOresearch.net




The following is the Google English translation from the article found at mtime.com:

Time Reuters today, one of the world's largest sinkhole - China Fengjie "hamlet doline" picture emerges about the mysterious network. Screen, a group of the inspection team are deep caves in this world today.

Looking at this picture, the picture in the possession of a URL MUTOresearch.net. To enter the browser, it will come to a mysterious man named MUTO website ( click to enter ), the screen displays a message in the possession of this site confidential video file named ASSET_G514.mov's. By studying this site, which is jointly registered by Warner and legendary company, we can infer that this is most likely the upcoming release of "Godzilla" first trailer.Obviously, the film side is to participate in this global fans crack this site, to be announced this notice. It is reported that, "Godzilla," the first trailer will be 2 minutes and 12 seconds long, the patch December 13 North American release of the upcoming Warner fantasy masterpiece "The Hobbit: Smaug war" show.

"Hamlet doline" constitutes an important example of Quaternary evolution of the Earth's history, it is the Three Gorges causes a "living fossil." "Sinkhole" is the locals commonly known karst funnel, funnel called karst topography on geography. It is among several peaks dented a large oval funnel. Sinkhole pit floor elevation 1331 m, depth of 666.2 m, 622 m pit diameter, 522 m Bottom diameter. Not only have many river, as well as ease of secret hole in the sinkhole.These riparian lot of exotic flora and fauna, in the end how much? Who knows.The sinkhole is Wonderful steep caves, from the twenty-first century, explorers had conducted several countries expedition, but not yet fully understand the situation in many sinkhole cave. Scientists are still many caves, discovered many rare animals and plants and fossils. So, MUTO a social Mody mysterious organization? What they will find here? Does this turn and the "sinkhole" in formation? With all the mysteries of the trailer may be exposed gradually revealed.

Movie "Godzilla" series was born in 1954, a lizard contaminated by radiation mutate into 100 meters tall dinosaur type monster, its creation reflects the hearts of the Japanese core residual nuclear bomb shadow. "Godzilla" is one of film history's most famous image of the monster, is one of the iconic symbol of Japan's postwar popular culture, and Japan, Europe and many other influential monster works. As of 2004, Japan's Toho Company were taken over 28 "Godzilla" movie. Big disaster film directed by Roland Emmerich in 1998 filmed an American version of "Godzilla" , but because of changes to the original and much larger fans questioned. March 2010, from the hands of Legendary Pictures purchased under Toho Company "Godzilla" remake rights to build the new version on the basis of respect for the original, but after advancing the project off until March of this year before the official start.

New version of "Godzilla" by the "Monster" director Gareth Edwards Adamsdirected "The Avengers" photographer Xi Musi Mike Garvey Zhang Jing, there have been five screenwriter revised script, including the Queen Nolan screenwriter David Goyer · S · . Producer Brian Rogers said the new version of the film is not only a monster Godzilla, there will be "Godzilla monster rally with several other" plot. Prior to this outflow of "Godzilla" Comic-Con first version of the trailer ( click to play ), we can already see the body after the other with Godzilla fighting monsters.

Although this is a monster play a leading role in the film, but the cast assembled whom can be described unequivocally: hot U.S. drama "Breaking Bad," starring "old white" Brian Kollam Princeton , "kick-ass" Asia Len Taylor - Johnson , heady acting rookie Elizabeth Olsen , and French actress Juliette Binoche , Japanese actor Ken Watanabe and so on.

"Godzilla" by the legendary Warner jointly build, although the legendary Warner cooperation has ended, but as the two sides of the legacy project, this "Godzilla" by Warner will be responsible for the issue. The film is scheduled for May 16, 2014 North American release in 3D/IMAX 3D format, and is expected to introduce the Chinese mainland.



What is M.U.T.O.?

The image shows Turkmenistan's infamous burning 'Door to Hell', which was first ignited by a Soviet gas company in 1971. They claimed the dangerous gases would burn off in a few days -- yet miraculously, it has been burning ever since.  

Normally accessible to the public, the image is associated with the notes that this remote destination was strangely placed on government lockdown, as the secretive group identified as M.U.T.O. established a heavily-guarded "restricted access area" for undisclosed purposes. This snapshot from a tourist shows emergency vehicles, armed troops and research crews being choppered to the scene.  

After decades of this mysterious inferno blazing, why is M.U.T.O. getting involved now? -- TotalFilm


Who and what is MUTO? "In the depths of the Venezuelan forest are cavernous wells Sima Humboldt and Sima Martel: very old and of unknown origin sinks 'twin'. Inaccessible by land, these monumental natural beauty were targeted by unidentified aerial vigilantism just days ago.According to initial reports, identified with the mysterious helicopter MUTO text, accessed a restricted no-fly zone for reasons unspecified. The passenger of a commercial airliner en route to Brazil, managed to capture this suspicious activity in question (photo). " --Cine.Yahoo.com


Nevada’s 'Devil’s Throat' sinkhole, thought to have formed in the past decade, is located in the remote wilds of the Mojave Desert - barren lands left scarred from atomic testing. Before being removed from this perimeter by security officers, one civilian leaked a smartphone image of what appears to be a secret quarantine zone established by paramilitary troops and scientific researchers.

Closer inspection reveals a URL that may contain more details on the mysterious M.U.T.O. group at the epicenter of this incident. -- IGN

I will continue to keep this topic updated as new info is released. If you find new discoveries not yet listed here, post them below!

Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4
220 Replies


MemberMothra LarvaeDec-19-2013 1:26 AM

The name "Jet Jaguar" has a much different response than other kaiju when typed in


MemberMothra LarvaeDec-20-2013 4:28 AM

CODE: = M.U.T.O (alphabet count)

Typing in Monster gets you: (Alert) The unidentified natural phenomenon is approaching your area. (Pl)ease prepare accordingly.

Could this refer to Godzilla or one of the other creatures? If Godzilla is the "unidentified natural phenomenon" then could the other creatures be Mutations of Unknown Terrestrial Origin (M.U.T.O)?


MemberMothra LarvaeDec-20-2013 7:32 PM

If you type in Oxygen Destroyer on the website, you recieve this mesage.


If anyone is a code breaker here, please tell us what this means, :)


MemberMothra LarvaeDec-25-2013 2:06 PM





These might be some parts to M.U.T.O. but Gareth Edwards likes to surprise people.


Some people want to see the world burn... ... I'm one of those people.


MemberMothra LarvaeJan-10-2014 4:39 PM

with the holes it looks like pacific rim



MemberMothra LarvaeJan-14-2014 8:25 PM

I tried shadow or hack and got this: Triangl_core state active. Location scanning disabled. user profile temporarily invisible within the network. this mode will enable access to restricted channels, but detection will activate wildfire protocol

I just unlocked video 5 apparently: Asset_G528.MOV

got a badge and everything for it. kinda neat.


MemberMothra LarvaeJan-27-2014 4:20 PM

If you enter "Save" you get SAVING... (SAVE UNSUCCESFUL... DRIVE ACCESS ERROR)

Could this mean anything? Maybe we have to fix it?


MemberMothra LarvaeFeb-10-2014 7:38 PM

type in sinkhole! it talks about an embryo!



MemberMothra LarvaeFeb-10-2014 7:42 PM

and type in devil



MemberMothra LarvaeFeb-11-2014 11:38 PM

Didn't read through all 15 pages, but if you type in Akira (for the creator of the original theme) you get DNA CONFIRMED.

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