What other monsters do you think could show up in this year's movie?

Godzilla's biggest fan!
MemberMothra LarvaeMar-17-2019 5:22 AMYou know. Like MegaGodzilla or someone like that,

MemberMothra LarvaeMar-17-2019 3:25 PMWell the Oxygen Destroyer is confirmed so I'm guessing if we don't see Destoroyah outright we will see a glimpse of his smaller forms in an end credits scene
Other than that I think it will mostly be OC kaiju

MemberRodanMar-17-2019 3:33 PMJust the confirmed monsters seen in the trailers, and some more original titans
Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaMar-17-2019 6:03 PMMegaGodzilla?

MDK 2 (MinecraftDinoKaiju)
MemberBaragonMar-18-2019 10:30 AMMaybe some surprise original monsters (like some surviving M.U.T.O.s). But who knows? (Insert my forum signature here.)
"Let's just wait and see." - MinecraftDinoKaiju

MemberBaragonMar-18-2019 7:27 PMGodzilla's_Tail79: Well isn't there a long-running rumor that Destroyah is going to appear in Kong vs Godzilla. K and G will fight for a while then team up against Destroyah? No idea whether there is a grain of truth in these rumors, but I won't have an issue seeing Destroyah on screen again, although of course it has to be portrayed well on screen.

MemberMothra LarvaeMar-19-2019 1:44 AMGodzillatheking123: That would be a massive rip-off of BvS but if it's done right (or better at least) then I'm in. Sounds like a great finale to the series.