MemberGiganJul-07-2014 9:06 AMIs Godzilla awakening canon? I remember reading a interview where Gareth said that it was but that the novelization took liberities, If its true than it says that Godzilla was right next to where the permian impact happend. And he was unscathed! So Post down below on if its true or not.
Good grief.
MemberAnguirusJul-07-2014 9:34 AMI honestly dont see why it wouldn't be canon, and he DID survive unscathed, his durability is insane, im pretty sure he might have fast regeneration, not as fast as previous Godzillas but still fast, because an insanely tough armor ought to buckle when hit by a huge asteroid at point blank.
MemberMothra LarvaeJul-07-2014 9:47 AMThey say it's canon, but I don't consider it to be. It had enough inconsistencies for me to ignore it.
G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaJul-07-2014 11:36 AMI know the Star Trek series has a general rule: If it's not seen on-screen (TV or film) then it's not canon. I typically have the same attitude with everything else.
MemberMothra LarvaeJul-07-2014 2:12 PMYeah, I doubt it's canon due to it contradicting the movie at multiple points; like, for example, how they only used kiloton-level nukes against Godzilla in the backstory of the film but used the 15 megaton Castle Bravo nuke in the comic, or how Ishiro Serizawa was present in Hiroshima when it was nuked as a baby in the comic, whereas he's clearly not 70 years old in the film. At best, it is mostly canon, but not anywhere that contradicts the film.
MemberMothra LarvaeJul-07-2014 8:17 PM@Gman
Which is sad, because in a lot of scifi genres, the comics end up being insanely superior to the film counterparts.
I'm ready for the hate for that comment, I'm not scurred.
G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaJul-07-2014 11:42 PMTo each their own I suppose. I think most comic/novel stuff related to movie/TV franchises is mostly drivel.
MemberMothra LarvaeAug-30-2017 6:50 PM^ According to this. Yeah it is, and there's multiple interviews that say that it is. Plus the movie Kong Skull Island using the date when Monarch was established from the graphic novel and not the 2014 Godzilla film is further evidence. There's other things to consider as well. The post credit scene in Kong Skull Island reveals that Godzilla has awaken throughout earths history, just like what the graphic novel says, and more recently the monarch timeline includes General Macarthur. A character from the graphic novel.
Some of the inconsistencies from Awakening & 2014 film can be solved by simply remembering that Monarch is a secret organization that won't reveal the entire truth about Giant Monsters owning this earth. What they told to Ford was a cover story that simply only involved the Monsters in question, and keep everything else under wraps. Especially when you take a look at there timeline. They have been keeping track of MUTO'S throughout the years, and even contain some.
PS. Dr Serizawa age means nothing. Especially when the actual actor is 57. He can totally play someone who is 69 in the 2014 film. That's just a couple of years. Hell the pocket watch that he talks about in the film is present in the graphic novel. On another note the kilotons vs megatons was obvious a mistake that slipped through the crack. It happens all the time in movies.