AdminSpaceGodzillaMay-15-2014 12:19 AMOkay everyone, it's that time of year again when a big summer blockbuster is about to drop and everyone becomes a critic. Now, the staff and I know with experience that allowing reviews to be littered across a forum is a BAD idea and can cause a lot of arguments, flame wars, etc... So, when YOU ready tosubmit your review for Godzilla, I urge you to post it as an actual REVIEW through Scified's Reviews system!
All you need to do is visit the Godzilla 2014 movie page, click the green Rate & Review tab and enter your scroe (/5) and your review. Read on for guidlines & expectations and when you're ready, either enter the address seen in the image below, or just simply click the image to submit your review!
You may post spoilers in your review
You may NOT spam the forums with spoilers in your topic titles
You may encourage people to read your review via the Chat/Status Board, NOT in a new topic
Your review can contain images, video clips, etc... just like a forum thread
This will keep any and all reviews for Godzilla organzed AND it will give the big guy a higher score/more accurate rating on our movie database!
Not to mention you will be able to win prizes throughout the weekend/next week if you submit quality reviews*.
What constitutes a "quality review" you ask? Basically any review that's at least 3 paragraphs long, well written and not just simply a few lines of "It was awesome".
However, short "It was awesome" style reviews are allowed and will be accepted into the system along with your rating. Just, if you wish to get your review shared or promoted by us, we'll want it to be professional and of higher quality.
But most of all, we want you to have FUN reviewing Godzilla, sharing your thoughts and letting us know your opinions.
If you have any questions feel free to PM me. :)

MemberMothra LarvaeMay-15-2014 1:27 AMthanks for the heads-up on this Chris. Being in the UK I am now currently on the bus ride to my nearest IMAX to catch the 11:40am showing! Can't believe it's come to this, holy freaking s**t!!!! See you all on the other side everyone! Much love ;) x

The Weaver
MemberMothra LarvaeMay-15-2014 4:23 AMSome of us need to fix our reviews for errors, but we can't find the damn EDIT button!

MemberBaragonMay-15-2014 5:28 AMChris-Is there a way to amend the ratings? I meant to give a "4" but somehow forgot it when I pressed submit, so it ended up as a "1". Or at least could you change that for me? Thanks.

MemberMothra LarvaeMay-15-2014 9:11 AMGuys, be careful with your reviews and ratings. Many of you are rating the movie with a "1". Don't be negligent, take your time and always make a second look to what you write or post.

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaMay-15-2014 10:26 AMSort of off topic, Chris, but I have wondered, do you plan on adding the other Godzilla movies to review on the site? I know it'd be a lot, but it'd be nice to include with the original and newest. I could provide information if that's too taxing.

MemberMothra LarvaeMay-15-2014 10:29 AMJust been to see it. And can now safely say that it may take a couple of days for the whole experience to truly sink in! Working on a draft now. Looking forward to adding my 2cents & sharing the joy with you all!

AdminSpaceGodzillaMay-15-2014 12:49 PMI'll update those errors in the rating, but please do try not to skip that part when reviewing. Take your time, there's no rush! :)
@Gman, Yes, I think adding all the classics to the database would be a great idea. I will definitely appreciate some help with that task, I'll get in touch with you privately. Thanks!
@Everyone reviewing, they're looking great so far keep it up!

alex levin
MemberMothra LarvaeMay-16-2014 10:36 AMSide-by-side comparison of Godzilla 2014 vs Godzilla 1998:

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaMay-16-2014 11:24 AM@Alex Levin
You've pretty much spammed that six times. Stop.

MemberBaragonMay-17-2014 7:49 AMnew godzilla movie is a 10/10 for me, i loved it, great movie. :)
http://hugeben.deviantart.com/ check out my gallery of Godzilla artwork! Follow me on Twitter@thebigbadben90.

MemberMothra LarvaeMay-26-2014 7:24 PMGave it a 5/5, and rightfully so. The most impressive cinematic experience since Jurassic Park.